As for COLORS, you can order any color you want out of the RAL Color family. Our most common colors are light grey and dark grey for marine docks and pathways. Green and yellow are common for factories; plants and other commercial industries. A brick red is used in areas like the oil & gas offshore platforms.
Class | Resin | Anti-Corrosion Grade | Max Temperature Degrees Fahrenheit |
Applications |
V-CF | Vinyl Ester | Chemical | 200 | Superior Corrosion Enviroment and Fire Resistance |
I-IF | Isophatalic Polyester | Industrial | 150 | Medium Corrosion and Fire Resistance |
I-FF | Isophatalic Polyester | Industrial-food | 150 | Food Grade and Fire Resistance |
O-AF | Orthophatalic | Architectural | 150 | Moderate Corrosion and High Fire Resistance |
O-AN | Orthophatalic | Architectural | 300 | General, non fire retardant |
P-IN | Phenolic | Industrial/Offshore Oil Platforms | 300 | Low Smoke and Superior Fire Resistance |
Item | Type | Characteristics | Applications |
E-2400TEX | Alkaline Free Roving | Has better characteristics of dynamic and anti corrosion that comes from a strong combination of an excellent saturation and resin matrix. | Better acid resistance plus dynamic and anti corrosion from a strong combination of an excellent saturation and resin matrix. |
C-2400 TEX | Medium Alkaline | Extreme strengh requirments and corrosion environments. | Better used for an acid resistance environment. |
Item | Characteristics | Applications |
ATH(Aluminium Hydroxide) | Fire Retardant, Strength, OI>28 | Fire Retardant and Smoke Suppression |
Calcium Carbonate | Strength and low cost | No Fire Resistance Required |
No Filler | Better Transparency | Non-Fire Fetardant, Excellent Anti-Corrosion |